HM Recruitment preparation Mock Test-8: পশ্চিমবঙ্গ স্কুল সার্ভিস কমিশনের মাধ্যমে সরকার পোষিত ও সাহায্যপ্রাপ্ত মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক স্কুল গুলির জন্য প্রধান শিক্ষক নিয়োগের বিজ্ঞপ্তি শীঘ্রই জারি হবে। এই পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি হিসেবে এই উদ্যোগ নেওয়া হয়েছে।
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#1. What is the main objective of the National Education Policy (NEP) 1986?
#2. The National Education Policy 1986 was formulated under the leadership of which Indian Prime Minister?
#3. The NEP 1986 emphasizes which of the following educational levels for improvement?
#4. In the NEP 1986, what is the recommended medium of instruction at the primary stage?
#5. . Which of the following was a significant goal of NEP 1986 for the education system in India?
#6. According to NEP 1986, the structure of education in India should be based on which model?
#7. NEP 1986 proposed the establishment of which of the following to strengthen education?
#8. The NEP 1986 advocates for education to be:
#9. According to NEP 1986, the focus should be on the development of:
#10. What does NEP 1986 emphasize regarding the integration of women and children?
#11. The NEP 1986 recommended the promotion of which type of education?
#12. According to the NEP 1986, what should be emphasized in the curriculum at all levels?
#13. In the NEP 1986, the education system is expected to promote:
#14. What is the significance of “work experience” in the NEP 1986?
#15. NEP 1986 emphasizes the importance of which language in education?
#16. What is the proposed duration for the “primary stage” in the 1986 policy?
#17. What did the NEP 1986 recommend for the establishment of libraries?
#18. What was one of the major criticisms addressed by the NEP 1986 in terms of education?
#19. . According to the NEP 1986, which of the following groups should receive special attention in educational policies?
#20. . The NEP 1986 encourages the development of which type of schools in rural areas?
#21. NEP 1986 emphasized the importance of which type of learning for the holistic development of students?
#22. Which of the following was proposed as a way to reduce the dropout rate under NEP 1986?
#23. According to NEP 1986, the national focus should shift towards:
#24. NEP 1986 advocates for improving the quality of education through:
#25. According to NEP 1986, which system of education should be introduced at the secondary level?
#26. What was the NEP 1986’s recommendation regarding the relationship between school education and higher education?
#27. NEP 1986 aimed at the eradication of:
#28. . The NEP 1986 promotes which aspect of educational infrastructure?
#29. What is the primary role of the National Advisory Council in NEP 1986?
#30. NEP 1986 suggested the introduction of which new method to improve education?
#31. 31. The focus of the National Education Policy (1986) is on:
#32. 32. What is the NEP 1986’s stance on adult education?
#33. 33. The NEP 1986 recommends that teacher education be:
#34. 34. According to the NEP 1986, the school curriculum should be:
#35. 35. NEP 1986 proposed reforms in which area of education?
#36. 36. What does NEP 1986 say about the role of private schools?
#37. 37. What is the NEP 1986’s perspective on higher education?
#38. 38. The NEP 1986 emphasized the creation of a system for:
#39. 39. According to the NEP 1986, the teacher-student ratio should be:
#40. 40. Which of the following is a key recommendation of NEP 1986 regarding the quality of education?
Better luck next time
আজকের প্রধান শিক্ষক নিয়োগের প্রস্তুতি হিসেবে 40 টি প্রশ্ন দেওয়া হয়েছে। Part -1 : General awareness and current affairs relating to school education এর Scetion B এর 3 নম্বর বিষয়টি হলো National education policy (1986) Main features থেকে।
প্রধান শিক্ষক নিয়োগে মোট চারটি বিষয়ের উপর প্রশ্ন হবে মোট নম্বর থাকবে 60 .
কিভাবে মক টেস্টে অংশগ্রহণ করবেন?
এই প্রতিবেদনে HM Recruitment Mock Test অপশনে আসবেন যার নিচে দেওয়া থাকবে। HM Recruitment Mock test start Now এই অপশনটিতে ক্লিক করে মক টেস্টে প্রবেশ করতে পারবেন। মোট ৪০ টি প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেওয়ার পর আপনারা নিজেদের রেজাল্ট জানতে পারবেন।
যারা পূর্বের মক টেস্ট গুলি দিতে পারেননি তারা এই লিংকগুলোতে ক্লিক করে মক টেস্ট দিতে পারবেন।
HM Recruitment preparation Mock Test-1
HM Recruitment preparation Mock Test-2
HM Recruitment preparation Mock Test-3
HM Recruitment preparation Mock Test-4
HM Recruitment preparation Mock Test-5
Thank you sir
Noble deed sir.
Very nice sir
Nice sir
Mock test -8
আমার স্কোর ২৭
যেগুলো ভুল হল, সেগুলোর সঠিক উত্তর কিভাবে পাবে যাবে
আমার স্কোর 30
Nice. Keep it up